Monday, March 10, 2008

Party Time

Hi All -
I'm a first timer & hope I get it right.
My name is Duchess, I'm 36 and from NC. I've been married to my high school sweetheart for almost 16 years and we have two wonderful blessings, Brayden a 10 yr. old 4th grader and Gracie a 7 yr. old 1st grader.
I love taking pictures (not professionally - just for fun), reading (when I can), watching movies and of course anything that has to do with my family.
I hope to make lots of blogger friends so if you visit leave me a message.

see ya,


Kimberly said...

hello. just stopping by via the blog party! It is nice to 'meet' you!

Unknown said...

Nice party, turn the music up! Its loud over at my blog! Come on by, in or out of costume at my blog party! Grab some food, have a drink, read, and enjoy!

Love your blog!


cltgrace said...

I have a Gracie! Happy Spring!

Welcome to the party! What a great opportunity to make some new bloggy friends!

Peek in on us at GraceFULL days~ we love new faces & comments. Bloggy thanks in advance for voting for my GraceFULL moment at Vicks Caring Tributes:

Grace to you~

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the party! What a fun site. I'll be back to visit. Hop over to mine so we can meet! Party on!

Darlene said...

Hey, nice party and sweet family!
just stopping by to check out your blog. This is my first blog party too. It is alot of fun!!
check my blog out when you have time.

Happy Blogging!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Duchess! Thanks for coming by my place. This is my first blog party and I'm having a blast!

Love your kids! They are adorable. I'm coming back to read about the cheerleader stuff!

Dimple Queen said...

Welcome, this is my first blog party too! Nice to meet you!

Unknown said...

Your photography skills are awesome!

Julie Donahue said...

Hi! thanks for visiting my party. Our boys are the same age (10 and in 4th grade). Chewie's birthday was December 7th. Hope to see you again.

Glass Half Full said...

Thanks for stopping by. I enjoyed my visit too.


Debbie @ Three Weddings said...

I'm so happy you were able to come to my party! You have beautiful children. I didn't marry my highschool sweetheart (didn't really have one) but I'll be married 16 years this year, too.

I hope you have a great party!

Melanie said...

Hey girl! YES, looks like we have LOTS in common. Thx for stopping by and introducing yourself...We will HAVE to chit chat sometime soon! Hope you are having fun blog hopping... ;o)

Forgetfulone said...

hi. Nice to meet you. Your children's picture is beautiful. I'm not a pro, either, but I love to take pictures, too. I read, watch movies, work, and blog. Come on over if you have a chance.

Anonymous said...

Hi Duchess! Great blog you've got here!

Tari said...

Stopped by to say hello, party it up girl!

JENN said...

Beautiful Blog and Pictures!

JENN said...

Beautiful Blog and Pictures!

Lisa W. said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Nice to meet you. :-)

MaryBeth said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier... I'm a first timer on the Ultimate Blog Party too, and also a relatively new blogger! Isn't this just the coolest way to meet other bloggers?!? Beautiful pictures of your kiddos, by the way...

Stacia said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I too am a first timer to this Party and I'm having fun meeting so many new people! I love your pictures (that is my hobby too) And your son's name...that is my son's middle name! (Jack Brayden) I'll make sure to visit again.

jennyonthespot said...

HI! Thanks for coming to my party! It's great to meet you... I'm going to go check out your place... may I? :)

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you! :)
My 4 year old would be so jealous of those cheerleader pictures in the post below- her WHOLE goal in life is to be a cheerleader! :)

Jennifer said...

Duchess, stopping by your party! Thanks for dropping by mine on Monday. I'm the homeschooler ;)married to my high school sweeheart!LOL!!

I've had a busy few days or I would've been here sooner & I apologize for that. But I will come back and read some more later!!

Unknown said...

Still hopping from blog to blog... my goal is to post at each blog at least once. Nice to meet you. Happy blogging!

Preppy Mama said...

Hi there!! Sorry I arrived so late to the party! Love your cute! I promise to be a regular.