Thursday, May 6, 2010

Enjoying Spring

Hello there.

Sorry I've been MIA.

We've just been busy.... finishing school, curriculum shopping for next year, painting, planting, going to baseball games, gymnastics practices, mowing grass, washing cars and dogs, reading on the porch and basically anything but blogging.

I just haven't had the desire to post.

I think about it - I just don't do it.

I am still visiting and keeping up with you, though, so don't you stop too.

I'm sure I'll be back soon.  As soon as I get one project finished enough to take pictures.

Don't forget to enjoy your Spring's going to be a hot one here today - 90 degrees! Woohoo!

Take care & I'll be by for a visit soon.


Jodie said...

Welcome back to blogland! I'm guilty of enjoying spring too. So much going on! I've been a lame blogger myself. Enjoy your hot, hot day! We've got a cooler one on tap today. Yesterday my car temp said 90, but today it's supposed to be in the high 70's. Going to trim the azaleas and cut grass.

Darlene said...

There is always a lot going on at the end of the school year isn't there?!? We are slowly coming to an end with our ratrace. The Broadway Kids shows are done, one more ballgame for Spring, another dance competition this Saturday and then dance recital the 14,15, and 16. After that school will be ending on the 27th and I will feel like I can breathe again for a while.

We are supposed to hit 90 today too. Hope you are enjoying your Spring days too.♥

Ruby Red Slippers said...

There is always time to take a blog break and smell the flowers-I say do what you want-not what stresses you out-