I've never really been what you'd call an avid gardener.
Don't get me wrong. I want a beautiful yard with lots of trees, shrubs, and flowers however when it comes to actually doing the digging, well, let's just say that I don't really DIG it.
I've been known to do it and at times....semi-enjoy it, but I'm not usually rushing out the door with my gloves & hat to play amongst the worms & bees, however.......
this Spring seems to be a little different. I'm not sure if it's because this yard is still new to me or if it's just been a really long winter but guess what we've been doing.......
That's right. G and I headed out to the local garden center and came back with three of my favorite bushes - hydrangea's.
Here are some pics of the little beauties after we got them in the ground. I can't wait for them to get big & bushy.
Take a look:

They've already turned a deeper bluish-purple. I love how they do that.
We also moved several hosta plants that were kind of spread out around the porch so that they could have a nice home underneath my crepe myrtle's by the driveway. (Sorry, no picture of those but they're doing well in their new home.)
So, have you been doing any Spring planting?
Oh, I love Hydrangeas! They are soo pretty!
Hydrangeas are my favorite too. I cannot wait for mine to start blooming.
We have been doing so much planting around here. I'll be sharing pics later this week. It has been so fun!
ah, you're lucky. Hydrangeas despise our dry desert climate. I kill a few every year!
I LOVE Hydrangeas they are my absolutely fave.
We've been doing nothing here except building a roof top deck with lake views, planting will come along in a few weeks. I mean it was 30's here the other day so we've got to wait just a little longer to go buy some new hydrangeas & plant them, I had them at the house we sold last summer so they have to be replaced =0)
I don't love to garden & such either as I'm VERY allergic to poison ivy and it makes me leery to do much after the last reaction landed me in urgent care with steriods & shots!
You know me, I LOVE to garden. I'm sad that my yard has so much shade because I can't plant all of my summer favorites. I have big plans for the backyard this spring. It's time to get them started. I'll share as we go. Love your hydrangeas. You'll enjoy them!
love the Hydrangeas...if fact we planted 3 this weekend. That's all we have done this past week...mulch and plants. Love to see it all come together.
Those are so pretty already. Can't wait to see them grow! (We haven't started planting out here in Colorado yet. Still could get more snow...yuck!)
Oh so pretty! I love hydrangeas and all of the colors you can "make"! We went to a hydrangea festival a couple years back in GA; it was unbelievable!
That has to be my favorite flower. You will love it! I know what you mean about digging !
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