Thursday, August 12, 2010

It's a new year

Monday was an important day at our house.

It was the first day of school (cheers, whoops, & hollers).  They weren't really cheering, whooping & hollering.  It must have just been my imagination.

We homeschool our kids and I decided that since we had a break at gymnastics this week, that it would be a good week to start our new school year.

I still do the "first day of school" pictures.  This is my son's favorite part - not really.

Take a look at my 7th and 4th grader - they're growing up so fast.

Yes, my kids go to school barefoot - it's one of my favorite things about home education.

B is doing an online academy this year & somehow I got more books than he did.

It's break time.

It's homework time (yes, his teachers actually give out homework - he's thrilled). Not really.

Thanks for tagging along & checking out our first day of school.

Hope your kids have a great first day & productive year as well.


Jodie said...

I would have gone to school barefoot if I could have! That is one of the best things about homeschooling. :) Glad to see you're off to a good start. Sorry B had homework on his very first day. :( Happy Schooling!

Darlene said...

They are DEFINITELY growing up from the first time I saw them on your blog! Looks like they are off to a great start. Getting to go barefoot is just a little perk of homeschooling that I'm sure they love!♥

Shannon said...

Happy First Week of School! :)

wendy said...

I believe it is time to revisit the dress code policy at that school! ;) Glad it went so well.

Marty said...

Here's to a wonderful year! What online academy is your son doing this year? We are moving yet again probably in December. Chances are we're moving to Fayetteville and the schools there leave PLENTY to be desired. We may be going back to homeschooling in Dec! So tell what, what online school are you using?