I like to think of myself as a pretty laid back, understanding and compassionate mom but I do wish someone could please explain to me why my 11 year old son is begging, pleading and harrassing me for a new cell phone.
Notice I said a NEW cell phone. You see, we don't usually believe that an 11 year old homeschooled child who usually is only a few houses away when playing with friends really requires a cell phone, however when Daddy had to get a new phone we decided that since our contract wasn't up on the other one we'd let the children share it.
Ah, ha. That was a clue - notice I said.....SHARE.
You see, my lovely son and adorable daughter can't agree on anything, much less the sharing of a certain cell phone that neither of them ever take anywhere.
He wants his NCSU logo as the wallpaper. She wants pictures of kittens.
He wants some weird ringtone. She wants a chiming one.
The torture of this mother never ends.
I'm telling you, if I hear one more word about how he desperately needs a new cell phone so that I will be able to find him while he's out playing I'm going to take that red Razor and flush it down the toliet and the next time I need to find him while playing I'll use the same method that has been used for years.........
I'll walk out on the back porch & yell.
Special Note: I'm back on twitter - want to follow along?http://twitter.com/foureds
I am ROFL (an expression I hardly EVER use!!!) This is just too priceless. I can see there being BIG arguments over wallpaper and ring tones! That's serious business!!
My daughter wants a cell phone for her 11th b-day this year....the same year I start homeschooling her!!!
Oh - I feel your pain. Well, if it's an help, you can tell him that he's not the last kid on earth that doesn't have a cell phone...my teens don't even have one (and they are sure that they're the last teens on earth that have been denied such a "right" - ha). :)
It is starting so early!! I am scared of when my kids will want one (when I DO have kids!) :) If it is 11 now, it will be 5 when I have kids!
I'm sure I'll be in you boat when Bryce is a teen! He's 8 and just asked me the other day as a matter of fact what age he needed to be to have a cell phone. Right now we have rechargeable walkie talkies that he carries one of when he goes to the neighbors house to play so we can check in with each other. Yes, I'm old school!!! ;)
Happy day wishes~ good luck with that hun! Hugs, Les
Oh gosh for 2 years now Lexi has been begging, pleading, carrying on about a cell phone. I was dead against it but she ended up getting one for Christmas (she is 9 will be 10 in March). For us it has actually been great. We can now instantly get ahold of her no matter where she is (or who's house she is at) and she goes on quite a few school trips with her activities and takes it with her. I have to say she is quite responsible with hers and now I can say I'm glad we got it.
I have a 10 year old who wants one desperately, but it isn't happening for a few more years! But he is persistent! LOL! ~Rhonda :)
My 8 and 9 y/o's want them, too! All of their cousins who are within 2 yrs older than them have one and we refuse to give in!
They do have old phones that they can pretend call and text on, but no service.
kids are something else these days...our 8 year old thinks he needs a cell phone...SORRY...not going in that direction yet...
Good luck!
I am SO glad cell phones weren't alive when my kids were young!
11?!!! Who do you call at 11???????!! AHHHHH!!! This is funny.
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