The time was 1989 - 1991. The place was White Hall of East Carolina University in Greenville, NC, where a group of girls were placed together in a dorm and became life-long friends.
For some reason, tonight I'm feeling a little nostalgic for those friends. I'm not sure if it's because in 5 days I'll be turning 37 or if it's because today we applied for a new mortgage for our house in SC (and that's got me feeling old & responsible), but whatever the reason, they were on my mind. Some I keep in touch with on a regular basis, others only occasionally, and some I haven't heard from in years. I hope everyone & their families are doing well. I know we're all busy and time goes by too quickly, but I'd like to take this opportunity to let them know that they are missed.
W, Me, M, C, & S (where's T?)
Spring Break 1991 Myrtle Beach, SC

There was always a lot of this going on. M showing T how to work it.
(Maybe they're getting ready to head out to "The Elbow Room".)
Always some kind of spa treatment being adminstered.
(That's me, BTW.)
Now, let me introduce these great girls to you.
This is M. She's now an Assistant Principal at a High School, a wife and
mother to two beautiful girls.
This is S. I guess her t-shirt was foreshadowing because she is now a teacher. She also has two children and a husband of her own at home.
Here we have W and C.
W is a social worker, wife and mother to a wonderful little boy.
C is now a stay at home mom to two great kids and wife of one lucky man.
Here is T. She married her high school sweetheart & is now the stay at home mom of twins.
And now last, but not least.......

We all know what happened to this couple.......they lived happily ever after.
Thanks for taking this stroll down memory lane with me and Wendi, I'll apologize for the music now - I know you'll be singing it all day.
Just a quick note to all of the younger readers out there. Please don't laugh at the music, hairstyles, or fashions & think to yourself...."I was only 8 (or whatever) when this was popular." because I promise you, 37 will be here before you know it.