Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Hospitals, Snakes & Traveling....A Busy Week
If you're still interested, read on.
I will be spending Tuesday & Wednesday mornings at the hospital with my step-dad who is having some procedures done. Thankfully, Daddy is home this week on vacation so the kiddos don't have to accompany me. The procedures done today went well, there is a pacemaker change to be done tomorrow. Hopefully that will go just as well.
While I was away today, the kids & Daddy had some excitement. Daddy was sitting in one of our chairs on the front porch and Gracie went to sit in the other one but when she moved the pillow -something was already there....you guessed it - A SNAKE. She didn't know what it was right away & thought it was one of Chase's leashes. (I'm glad she didn't get the chance to pick it up.)
Daddy managed to get it into the yard where he proceeded to kill it.
(If you're one of those bleeding green, tender hearted environmentalists who is going to get all ticked off - SAVE IT. We don't care. It's a snake. Around our children. End of story!)
Once again, we will be leaving to head down south and do a little house hunting. We FINALLY got the totals that we needed from the relocation company and should be able to put an offer in on a house. Yay!
I'll let you know how that all plays out when we return on Saturday.
Until then, I hope everyone is doing well & staying cool in this heat.
I look forward to catching up on all the blogs when we get back.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Confession Time

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Inspection Time

Saturday, July 19, 2008
We might have a winner.....
We've looked at a ton of houses and I refuse to add one more to the mix. If we haven't seen it by now, more than likely we're not going to see it.
We have picked out one to put an offer on, but I'm not telling which one (yet).
I will show you all of the ones that we've toured (that I cared enough to take a picture of) so you can see our dilemma.
I think we're going to make an offer next week, so.....I'll keep you posted.
If that doesn't work, we'll go to Plan B.
Whatever is meant to be will be.
Enjoy the pics:







Too many decisions.......what's your guess?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
On the road again.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Must be Opposite Day

Instead of one of these......
Guess I was wrong.....it must be Opposite Day!
(Thanks, McDonald's workers)
Monday, July 14, 2008
Another Relo Update
They've shown our house twice and we've had one realtor preview.
Our moving company came out to do their survey (which just means they need to see how much junk we have to move).
And......drumroll please:
After much aggrevation (by me) the two appraisers came out this morning!! (Cheers, Hooray!!)
Now, I know they have to turn their reports into the relo co. in two days - let's see how long it takes for me to get the results.
We are heading down to SC on Wednesday for more house hunting. We have a house in mind so wish us luck and prayers please, my mother is also going with us.
I'll let you know how it all works out.
Hope everyone is having a great week. :)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
I'm Feeling Blah.

(All photographs courtesy of Southern Living.)
I want to have summer cook-outs and get-togethers. I want to grill out at night with my hubby and family. I know in my head that it will be over (eventually) but for now it's dragging on forever.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Lions & Tigers & Bears, oh my!

Thursday, July 10, 2008
I've been playing around.
I'm really starting to get into this blog business. I have to admit that it helps when the instructions are written out step by step.
I have to give a shout out to Leelou Blogs for the "FREE" template. It's pretty fabulous actually. There are so many to choose from......I can change my mind to my hearts content.
I'd better run - still got more changin' to do.
Hope you enjoy the change as well.
(Ok - I've still got to fix this.)
How do I explain this?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Thinkin' about a change....
I'm forever changing our furniture around.
I'm always scared to buy large ticket items because I might not like them in a couple of years.
I always want a different car.
I always over-analyze bedding choices.
I love the look of some wallpapers/paint colors, but am afraid to commit to any on a permanent basis.
(What if I change my mind??)
All of this psychoanalysis brings me to my point........I want to redo my blog design.
Not that I don't love my current design.
It's fun.
It's whimsical.
It's summery.
It's very kid friendly.
But.....I'm kinda tired of looking at it.
I want a classic look. I chose the current design because of the children, however after using it for a while, it's really my blog and I'd like it to be more reflective of my personality.
Now, to get to my second point.
Does anyone know where I could download some really nice backgrounds and embellishments?
I know there are some talented bloggers out there, so just drop me a line & help me come up with some ideas for a new look.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Move update:
sitting still!!
Our house has been on the market for a couple of weeks (no showings, one broker open house).
Apparently real estate agents don't like red bedrooms, so we spent the weekend painting Bray's room a nice "neutral" color.
I have called and
Since then we have scheduled the moving co. to come by for their survey and with the help of an e-mail to hubby's company relo rep, we are working on getting the appraisal process started. (We need this information in order to purchase a home in the new location - kind of important.)
Our realtor in SC is tanning on some exotic island and won't be back until 7/12 (July 12th people!)
As of my last check, the SC board of education has not delayed the start of their 08-09 school year because of our circumstances. It is due to begin on 8/19 (August 19th people!).
I know that all of this will work out. I have complete faith that God is in control of our situation and He knows that I don't handle waiting well and is chuckling at my endevors to control things from here. I will just try to be content with the calm before the storm and keep house hunting online until our vacationing realtor comes back and the appraisers appear at my door.
Until later.....I hope you all have a great day.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
We've been gone.
Hope all of you had a great holiday weekend.
Please comment & tell us all about it.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
and she really loved to shop.
For everyday she begged her mom
"Just let me get one little top?"
Until one day she heard her mom say,
"I'm sorry honey, not today. Do you think they just give this stuff away?"
She hung her head low and back home they went
And later at her drawing table, this little girl had an idea.
"I think I will draw me some money to spend at the store.
For surely mom can't object, she's always such a bore."
She brings it in and proudly states,
"Let's go shopping now, I have my own dough"
Her mom sadly rolls her eyes and says,
"On what tree does this money grow?"
She pulled it out and I finally saw what she had in her little mit,
My seven year old little girl was now a counterfeit!
Ok - it didn't really happen that way (exactly) but she did try to print her own money.
If it were just that simple!