The main pre-requisite from our children about new house when we were out looking was that it absolutely, positively had to have stairs.
That was their only requirement.
Stairs. (With lots of rooms up top, not just a bonus.)
That last request was the girl's.
So, being the intelligent parents that we are, we looked at all of our options and realized the advantages of having the children upstairs (Especially as they head toward their teen years with rapid speed.) and purchased a house that did indeed have stairs.
Now to get to the problem.....G is scared to sleep upstairs.
Huh? But you're the one who petitioned for these stairs.
She did well at first, but for some reason this last week she has been coming downstairs to our room every night.
She has trouble going to bed and gets up & down about 10 times before falling asleep.
She's not up there alone. Her brother is in the next room down.
I've tried letting her fall asleep to music.
Not working.
Last night, I even tried to let her camp out in her brother's room just to get used to being up there.
Didn't work.
This morning, she didn't even want to go up alone to brush her teeth! Ugh.
After some
Any tips or hints for us to try?
I'm really tired of getting pushed off my own bed.